Metropolitan Rewards 

Get ready to elevate your gaming experience! From 4 February, our Met Card is changing to our shiny new rewards programme.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • From 4 February, for every £1 you spend with us, we’ll reward you with 400 Met Points rather than 100. And because each new Met Point is worth more, you move up faster between our loyalty levels to maximise your rewards even more.
  • Customers will continue to earn and spend points at their usual rate until 3 February.
  • Your points will change to reflect the new scheme from 4 February onwards.
  • The new loyalty levels are called Queen of Spades, King of Hearts and King of Spades.
  • Pick up your new card at casinos from 4 February or join as a new member today by visiting your local casino.

If you’re not already enjoying all the benefits of being a Metropolitan Casinos member, make sure you join today. Speak to a member of the team the next time you visit us.

Need more info?

We’re here to help. For any questions, speak to a member of the team in any of our casinos. Get ready to play, earn, and enjoy your rewards like never before!

We are committed to creating a culture of Safer Gambling within our casinos. We have appointed Safer Gambling Ambassadors across all our sites, in order to protect young and vulnerable people from being exploited by gambling, prevent underage gambling and increase support for the treatment of gambling harm.